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Getting Started with LilGuy

This guide will walk you through installing LilGuy and creating your first web application.


LilGuy is distributed as a single binary, making installation straightforward. Choose the installation method for your operating system:


  1. Download the Windows installer (lilguy-installer.msi) from the releases page
  2. Double-click the installer and follow the prompts
  3. LilGuy will be added to your system PATH automatically


  1. Download the macOS installer package (lilguy.pkg) from the releases page
  2. Double-click the package and follow the installation prompts
  3. LilGuy will be installed to /usr/local/bin


  1. Download the appropriate binary for your architecture:
  2. lilguy-linux-amd64 for 64-bit Intel/AMD systems
  3. lilguy-linux-arm64 for 64-bit ARM systems (like Raspberry Pi)
  4. Make the binary executable:
    chmod +x lilguy-linux-*
  5. Move it to your PATH:
    sudo mv lilguy-linux-* /usr/local/bin/lilguy

Verifying Installation

Open a terminal or command prompt and run:

lilguy --version

You should see the version number printed to confirm successful installation.

LilGuy Commands

LilGuy comes with several built-in commands:

  • lilguy new <project-name>: Create a new project
  • lilguy serve: Run the development server
  • lilguy shell: Start an interactive Lua shell
  • lilguy run <function>: Execute a specific function
  • lilguy query "SQL": Run SQL queries against the database

Creating Your First Project

  1. Create a new project:

    lilguy new myapp
    cd myapp

  2. Start the development server:

    lilguy serve

Your app will be available at http://localhost:8000

Project Structure

A new LilGuy project has this structure:

├── app.lua        # Main application logic
├── assets/        # Static files (CSS, images, etc.)
│   └── pico.css   # Default styling
└── templates/     # HTML templates
    ├── index.html
    └── layout.html

Development Server Options

The serve command has several useful options:

lilguy serve --help
  -l, --listen <addr>  Address to bind to [default:]
  --no-reload          Disable auto-reload on file changes
  -o, --open          Open browser automatically
  -i, --interactive   Start an interactive Lua shell

Basic Usage


Routes are defined in app.lua. Here's a simple example:

routes["/"] = function(req, res)
    res:render("index.html", {
        message = "Welcome to LilGuy!"

routes["/about"] = function(req, res)
    res:render("about.html", {
        title = "About Us"


Templates use Jinja2 syntax. Here's a basic template example:

{% extends "layout.html" %}

{% block content %}
<h1>{{ message }}</h1>
<p>This is a LilGuy app!</p>
{% endblock %}


LilGuy uses SQLite for data storage. You can interact with the database in several ways:

  1. Direct SQL queries:

    lilguy query "CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)"

  2. From Lua code:

    routes["/users"] = function(req, res)
        database:query("SELECT * FROM users", function(users)
            res:render("users.html", { users = users })

Next Steps

Now that you're familiar with the basics of LilGuy, you can:

  • Learn about all available functions and features in the API Reference
  • Check out the Examples for common usage patterns
  • Join the community to get help and share your projects

Next: API Reference →

Common Commands Reference

Here's a quick reference of common commands you'll use:

# Create a new project
lilguy new myapp

# Start the development server
lilguy serve

# Start the server and open browser
lilguy serve --open

# Start server with interactive shell
lilguy serve --interactive

# Run SQL queries
lilguy query "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master"

# Start an interactive shell
lilguy shell